Hailes Castle photos, Location, Date, River Tyne East Lothian building images, Historic Scottish architecture pictures

Hailes Castle, Scotland : Architecture

Historic Building east of Haddington, East Lothian, southeastern Scotland, UK, with a 14th century keep

post updated 25 August 2024

Location: east of Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland

Directions: head 1.5m south-west of East Linton, east of Haddington

Hailes Castle Hailes Castle East Lothian Hailes Castle near Haddington Hailes Castle Scotland

16 December 2023

Hailes Castle

The castle stands on a promontory on the Scottish River Tyne, blocking its strategic route, and preying on the route to Edinburgh. Within the 13th century curtain wall is the 14th century keep, to which ranges were added in the next two centuries.

Hailes Castle Haddington Hailes Castle building Ancient East Lothian building Hailes Castle East Lothian
Hailes Castle photos © Adrian Welch 170207

The major remaining works is the West Tower, a square donjon, which dwarfs the remains of the central tower that the Gourlays built, probably a rebuilding on the 16th century. Fifteenth century work includes a roofless chamber in which the remains of what appear to be an ambry and a piscina suggest it was a chapel rather than a hall.

Historic East Lothian building Historic building east of Haddington
Ancient East Lothian building photos with lumix camera © Isabelle Lomholt 17 February 2007

There is also a vaulted basement bakehouse and brewhouse from this period. The original tower was used as a dovecot after it ceased to be occupied. Of the East Tower, only a finger of stonework remains.

Hailes Castle is now a ruin overlooking the River Tyne (located immeidately to the north of this ancient structure).

The building incorporates a fortified manor of 13th century, extended in the 14th & 15th centuries.

Hailes, Haddington Hailes Castle, Haddington
Histroic East Lothian building images © Adrian Welch

Views above of Hailes Castle doocots

Please check with the owners for details such as access & charge

This Ancient East Lothian building is located a few minutes south west of East Linton, in south east Scotland, about 45 minutes drive east from the Scottish capital city of Edinburgh.

Scottish Castles

Castles in East Lothian near to Hailes Castle

Historic Scottish Property Designs – key architectural selection below:

Lennoxlove House, south of Haddington, East Lothian
tower building
photo © Adrian Welch
Lennoxlove House

Dunbar Castle, East Lothian
Dunbar Castle

Tantallon Castle, near North Berwick, East Lothian
Tantallon Castle East Lothian
picture © Adrian Welch
Tantallon Castle

Historic Buildings near Edinburgh

Crichton Castle, ruined building near the village of Crichton, Midlothian
Crichton Castle

Craigmillar Castle

Dalkeith Castle

Dalhousie Castle

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Hill House, Helensburgh, northwest of Glasgow
Hill House

House for an Art Lover, Bellahouston Park, south west of Glasgow city centre
House for an Art Lover

City Chambers, George Square
City Chambers

Buildings / photos for the Hailes Castle Building – Historic East Lothian Architecture on the River Tyne, southeast Scotland, United Kingdom, page welcome.

Hailes Castle – Website: www.historic-scotland.gov.uk